Fuels Technology
Advancing Multi-Functional Fuel additives with Lignin-Hemicellulose-Depolymerized-Organics (LHDO™), including potential for SAF, stand-alone fuels and high ratio additives to assist in reducing emissions
SixRing™ sustainable, plant-based LHDO™ is fractionated to a heavy and light fraction at our facility level and can be utilized as a multi-functional diesel additive that replaces the need for separate lubricity, conductivity, and corrosion additives.
LHDO™ and Cellulose Platforms:
High Performance, multi-functional Fuel additives
Co-blend LHDO™ light fraction with existing crude production
High value precursors and reagents
Multi-application corrosion Inhibitors
Bio-resins / Platform Chemicals
Stimulose™ additive for RNG production increase
NCC / MCC and other high value materials
Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)
Enviro-Cel Stimulose™
A cellulosic product made from non-food based sustainable lignocellulosic biomass using a proprietary process. This product is a high-performance, plant-based additive for anaerobic digestion designed to enhance methane generation and decrease hydrogen sulfide (H2S) production.
Increase in methane generation observed after the addition of Enviro-Cel Stimulose™ in a digester at a 2.3 % dry wt./wet wt. loading, Fig. Corresponding methane yield increase.
Improved Economics By Using SixRing’s Cellulose
Significantly lower input costs when the cellulose is used as a supplement
Reduced feedstock volumes / costs
Lower processing costs
The core advantages of the SixRing technology platform over other biomass-to-energy/materials processes are:
Underutilized Feedstock
No practical limit to the feedstocks, including blends of feedstocks
All feedstocks are non-food based and typically low-value
High Yields
Nearly 100% of biomass is converted into saleable products
Ambient Pressures & Temperatures
Significantly lower energy requirements (core process generates heat for capture and use)
Process Chemical Recovery
High recovery and recyclability of process chemicals
Gentle Core Process & Fine Molecules
Products and fine molecules are largely unaltered from natural state and remain in products, resulting in high value
Three Main Product Streams
(Cellulose, LHDO and biochemicals) – all three address existing market challenges and sustainability demands
Continued Optimization and Processing
Results in additional revenue streams
Product Refining and Upgrading
Existing infrastructure can be used to refine, process, and distribute products produced by the SixRing process
Low Capital and Operating Cost
Simple design and commodity inputs
Use of Existing Infrastructure
Certain industrial facilities can be converted to the SixRing technology processes using existing infrastructure, such as renewable diesel and kraft facilities
Low Carbon Intensity
Ranging from 50% to 80% lower than fossil based equivalent fuels
The SixRing™ technology is compatible with all types of lignocellulosic biomass with numerous strategic
partner-supplied feedstocks from five continents already successfully deconstructed and cataloged via the company’s delignification process. These efforts have proven there is no reliance on any sole feedstock, greatly increasing its viable potential licensing base. We have already categorized over 40 high value products and precursors across the chemicals, additives, materials, and fuels spectrum.
Contact us for more information.